Why You Should Add Unique Touches to Your Privacy Fence


If you are seeking ways to make your stand out from the rest in your neighborhood or want to improve your curb appeal, customizing your fence can be advantageous. When it comes to customizing a privacy fence in preparation for you fence installation, your options are extensive thanks to the variety of fence styles and customization options available.

Add a Distinctive Flair to Your Home

Privacy fencing is effective at providing the privacy homeowners crave, but a lot of fences look the same. Fortunately, you can spruce yours up and make your house stand out. This can add value to your home by improving the curb appeal and providing you a more visually appealing fence for you and your loved ones to look at every day.


Privacy Customization

Depending on the amount of privacy you are seeking in your yard, you can narrow or widen the space between each board. Similarly, you can choose the height of the fence by using tall or short boards. You can create an aesthetically appealing look by changing the size, width and height of each board. For ultimate privacy, opt for high and wide boards with minimal space in between each one.


Incorporate Lattice

Another customization option is to incorporate a decorate lattice top to your fence. For an even more intricate and eye catching fence, you can use lattice throughout the body of the fence as well. Another option to alter the style of your privacy fence is to add dog-eared boards.


There are numerous tweaks to make to your privacy fence to make it more visually appealing and stand out from all the other fences in your neighborhood. You can increase the value of your home, alter the size of the boards depending on your privacy needs and even add simple touches such as dog-eared boards or a lattice top. Your fence installation company can offer you additional ideas depending on your needs and wants.